Upcoming Events
Thurs, December 12th, 6pm EST
We still have plenty of time to qualify for the 2026 ballot.
What we need are commitments. We need natural leaders to step up and take the initiative. We need those with means to invest in a clean water future. We need those with free time to help collect signed petitions. We need every FL registered voter who needs clean water to sign.
If you care about clean water in Florida, you are invited to attend one of the most important meetings there is on this issue.
At this meeting, you'll learn how to click in and carry out whatever task you're able to sign up for, and you'll get everything you need to do it.
It isn't hard, but it's work. We can't click, scroll, and hope our way to a clean, safe, and prosperous future. So if you're serious about clean water, giddy up.