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Will You Trade Three Hours for a Lifetime of Water Protections?
This October and November are our best chances to exercise our rights to self-governance and create the highest level of water and...
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'Right to Hunt and Fish' shows how good 'Right to Clean and Healthy Waters' is
To better appreciate the strengths of our “Right to Clean and Healthy Waters” Constitutional Amendment, note what Tom Palmer has to say...
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Taking care of water helps us take care of climate
When it comes to dealing with climate change — which is primarily a water crisis of worsening floods, rising sea levels, wildfires and...
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Constitutional right to clean water is "a lion, a catalyst, a shield, a key"
“Constitutions are the highest and strongest form of law and also reflect the deepest and most cherished values of a society. As a South...
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Amending the state constitution is a big deal. How did we get to this point?
Amending our state constitution is a big deal. No one should take it lightly, and it certainly is not what we originally set out to do....
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Welcome to the RTCW Blog!
And welcome to the start of the 2026 Florida Right to Clean Water citizens' initiative! Check out what to expect this year: The Amendment....
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